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South Toulon tube: 3D numerical back-analysis on in- situ measurements

发布时间:2024-06-19    浏览次数:

报告题目:South Toulon tube: 3D numerical back-analysis on in- situ measurements
报 告 人:Daniel DIAS
主 请 人:
时  间:2024年6月19日下午16点
地  点:铁道校区世纪楼14楼会议室


Full-face excavation associated with ground reinforcement is a common technique to build large tunnels in soft rocks. The phenomenon of the interaction between the excavation process, the reinforcements and the ground reaction is a three-dimensional problem. This study presents the numerical back-analysis of a monitoring section setup in the southern Toulon tunnel in France. The primary goal of this study was to investigate and compare the ability of the two numerical approaches to reproduce the real behaviour of the tunnel measured in situ. The 3D calculation correctly simulates the in-situ data, confirming that this tool can represent the complexity of a tunnel excavation. Fitting the 2D calculations onto the 3D results also enabled the determination of the stress release values corresponding to the real excavation process adopted in the Toulon project. This analysis produces two-dimensional numerical results that are globally satisfactory considering the ground displacement.


Daniel DIAS博士是法国格勒诺布尔-阿尔卑斯大学教授,先后担任该校土木工程系主任及科研和国际事务中心主任等职务,兼任法国Antea Group公司高级顾问工程师,担任多个SCI期刊编委。Daniel DIAS教授从事教学科研工作20余年,主要从事能源地下结构与工程、盾构隧道掘进安全控制与管片力学行为、交通岩土工程及智慧监测等方面的研究,以一作或通讯在一区/TOP期刊上共发表论文121篇,Google学术引用达7751次,先后主持国家和企业科研项目等20余项。