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Earthquake Hazard Mitigation of Highway Bridge Structures

发布时间:2018-09-20    浏览次数:

报告题目:Earthquake Hazard Mitigation of Highway Bridge Structures
报 告 人:颜文晖(W. Phillip Yen) 教授/博士
主 请 人:
时  间:2018年9月21日(周五) 16:00-17:30
地  点:3044am永利集团3044noc铁道校区世纪楼14楼会议室

颜文晖(W. Phillip Yen)教授,国际桥梁抗震工程协会主席,曾任美国联邦公路署首席桥梁工程师,暨抗震减灾计划项目负责人。颜博士是美国桥梁抗震研究的总召集人,主持修订和制定“美国国家桥梁抗震设计规范”、“美国国家桥梁多重灾设计理论与规范”等。主持国家桥梁抗震、灾害防治、创新技术等研究计划超过 4500万美元。获得美国联邦公路署“工程杰出奖”、“20世纪美国杰出地震工程师”、“高水平成就奖”等荣誉称号。

This speech is to briefly introduce the efforts in the US in earthquake hazard mitigation of transportation structures through a thorough and comprehensive seismic research program. This program initiated in the 1991’s Transportation Equity Acts (TEA) and has been working through three TEAs and funded more than $36 Millions in research tasks. The program focuses on three fundamental issues, which includes: (1) A State-of-the-Art’s Specifications in Seismic Design for all new highway constructions, (2) A State-of-the-Practice’s Manuals in Seismic Retrofitting for all existing highway constructions, and (3) A Systematic Risk Analysis Program to estimate the earthquake loss of the roadway system using network system approach. The most important factor to reduce or mitigate the earthquake loss of the highway infrastructure is through a well preparedness, including those above three items.