Modern concrete nanotechnology: nanomodification and nanocharacterization现代混凝土纳米技术——材料改性与表征技术
发布时间:2017-10-27 浏览次数:
澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney)土木与环境工程学院讲师和博士生导师,并担任悉尼科技大学基础建设研究中心(Center for Built Infrastructure Research)核心成员。2014年获得澳大利亚科学基金会优秀青年科学基金(ARC DECRA Fellow)。2015-2016年为澳大利亚蒙纳士大学永利集团304am官方入口(Monash University)从事特聘研究员工作。2016年入职悉尼科技大学工作,并获得永久性教职。2017年获得悉尼科技大学杰出青年基金项目。研究方向主要包括纳米混凝土技术、混凝土耐久性、地聚合物混凝土、多功能混凝土和绿色再生混凝土等。在本领域国际权威(重要)期刊发表学术论文30多篇,并发表20余篇会议论文,学术论文引用次数达700多次,并担任10多个国际期刊的审稿人。目前主持4个纳米混凝土和地聚合物混凝土方面的研究项目。
Nano-engineering encompasses the techniques of manipulation of the structure at the nanometer scale to develop a new generation of tailored, multifunctional, cementitious composites with superior mechanical performance and durability potentially having a range of novel properties such as: low electrical resistivity, self-sensing capabilities, self-cleaning, self-healing, high ductility, and self-control of cracks. Concrete can be nano-engineered by the incorporation of nanosized building blocks or objects to control material behavior and add novel properties, or by the grafting of molecules onto cement particles, cement phases, aggregates, and additives to provide surface functionality, which can be adjusted to promote specific interfacial interactions.
The presentation will review the current state of the field of nanotechnology in concrete and recent key advances. The potential of nanotechnology to improve the performance of concrete and to lead to the development of novel, sustainable, advanced cement-based composites with unique mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties is promising. The advances in instrumentation and computational science are enabling scientists and engineers to obtain unprecedented information about concrete, from the atomic through the continuum scale, and the role of nanoscale structures on performance and durability. This information is crucial for predicting the service life of concrete and for providing new insights on how it can be improved. New developments have taken place in the nano-engineering and nanomodification of concrete. Additionally, introduction of these novel materials into the public sphere through civil infrastructure will necessitate an evaluation and understanding of the impact they may have on the environment and human health.