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发布时间:2022-09-28    浏览次数:

报 告 人:Khuram Rashid 副教授
主 请 人:
时  间:2022年10月6日下午15:00
地  点:腾讯会议ID:365-324-254


Khuram Rashid博士目前就职于巴基斯坦拉合尔工程技术大学建筑工程与设计系任副教授。于2016年获日本北海道大学博士学位,后回母校任助理教授,并在中国(广东工业大学(20172019年)获得博士后学位。Khuram Rashid博士共指导完成了20多篇硕士论文和1篇博士论文。其主要研究方向包括:

1. 水泥材料加固钢筋混凝土(RC)结构

2. 非胶结材料(FRP)加固钢筋混凝土结构

3. 可持续建筑材料的发展

4. 地聚物环保砖的发展

已发表SCI和同行评议期刊论文、国内外会议论文65多篇。其中SCI期刊论文37篇, 18篇为第一作者论文,13篇作为第二作者和通讯作者发表。其论文累积影响因子超过260,在过去五年中被引超过800次。


此次报告将介绍地聚物环保砖的研究进展。烧结粘土砖砌体是最古老的建筑材料之一,随着城市化发展,其需求量大幅度增加。砖的制造需要保持几天高温(1000 1350ºC)。尽管在过去使用了各种助焊剂和燃料废物,但其温度仍然保持在1000℃以上,在降低温度方面并没有发挥显著作用。因此,转向相对环保的方法,如采用地聚物是当前所要,其仅需低温(最多200ºC)。为了开发环保的地聚合物砖,课题组采用粉煤灰(FA)和粘土作为基体开展了系列实验研究。对于粉煤灰基地聚物,通过压力和温度的耦合作用可使其强度最高。在满足各种规范成型压力(20 MPa)的环境养护条件下,最终获得了具有理想强度的试验砖。


报告地点:腾讯会议ID: 365-324-254

Development of Sustainable Brick by Geopolymerization

Introduction of the speaker

Khuram Rashid is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Architectural Engineering and Design, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan. He received his PhD degree from Hokkaido University Japan, in 2016, and then re-joined his parent university as an Assistant professor. He completed post-doctorate from China (Guangdong University of Technology (2017 -2019). He has supervised more than 20 theses at master level and one PhD thesis. His area of research interests include

1. Strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures with cementitious Materials

2. Strengthening of RC members with non-cementitious materials (FRP)

3. Development of sustainable construction materials

4. Development of geopolymer-based aggregates and brick.

He has presented his research work at international level in various countries. He has more than 65 research publications in the format of SCI and peer reviewed journal papers, International and national conference papers. The SCI Journal papers are 37, in which 18 published as first author 13 as second and corresponding author. His cumulative impact factor is more than 260, and more than 800 citations in last five years.

Report content introduction

This content is about the development of sustainable brick by geopolymerization. Masonry fired-clay brick is one of the oldest construction materials and its demand has been increased extensively due to urbanization. The manufacturing of bricks requires a high temperature (1000 - 1350 ºC), which is maintained for several days. Although various fluxing and fueling wastes have been utilized in past but it does not play any significant role in lowering temperature as it remains more than 1000 ºC. Therefore, shifting to a comparatively eco-friendlier method such as geopolymerization is the need of the hour as it requires low temperature (up to 200 ºC). Hence, the development of a geopolymer brick was the objective of this work, and detailed experimental investigations were carried out. Fly ash (FA) and clay were the main precursor used in this work. For the FA-based geopolymer the combination of pressure and temperature showed maximum strength. The pilot-scale brick with desired strength was obtained at ambient curing conditions at 20 MPa molding pressure satisfying various codes.

Time2022/10/6 15:00 pm

PlaceTencent Meeting ID: 365-324-254