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Interface bond mechanics in FRP-strengthened structures
时间:2023-07-12     作者:      来源:永利集团304am官方入口       浏览次数:

Interface bond mechanics in FRP-strengthened structures

报告题目:Interface bond mechanics in FRP-strengthened structures
报 告 人:戴建国 教授
主 请 人:
时  间:2023年7月17日(周一)上午10:30
地  点:3044am永利集团3044noc铁道校区世纪楼C座201国际报告厅

戴建国教授于日本北海道大学获得社会基础设施工程博士学位,研究主题为“土木工程新型材料和结构”。曾获美国土木工程师学会“Journal of Composites for Construction”“最佳基础研究论文奖”、中国土木工程师学会FRP应用委员会“杰出青年学者奖”、日本土木工程师学会“杰出国际合作奖”以及香港工程师学会“结构卓越研发大奖”。一直入选“土木工程”和“材料科学与工程”学科的“世界前2%科学家-斯坦福大学发布名单”。目前已发表了350多篇论文(包括210多篇SCI期刊论文),谷歌引用超过11000次,h指数为55。目前担任国际FRP学会(IIFC)副主席,ISO/TC71SC6“混凝土结构用非传统加固材料”委员会主管,曾任亚洲混凝土联合会(ACF)技术委员会主席。为IFC、香港工程师学会、香港混凝土学会、国际先进材料学会资深会员。


Strengthening of structures using externally bonded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) systems is nowadays very popular. There are two major types of applications for externally bonded FRP systems: bond-critical applications (e.g. FRP flexural/shear strengthening) and contact-critical applications (e.g. FRP confinement of columns). In the bond-critical applications, the bond between the FRP and the substrate materials (i.e., concrete or steel) plays a critical role in transferring the force from the structural member to the FRP strengthening layer and influences greatly the FRP strengthening efficiency in terms of both the short-term performance and long-term durability. As the most fundamental issue for the FRP strengthening technology, the bond mechanics of FRP-to-substrate interfaces has received exhausted attention. This lecture presents a state-of-the-art of this topic from fundamental principles to mechanics involved in predicting the interface debonding failure under various applications.