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3044am永利集团3044noc隧道工程系是 1953 年原中南土木建筑学院创建时最早的院系之一,是我国最早参与城市地铁、铁路隧道、公路隧道、城市地下空间等工程的规划、设计、建造及运维关键技术研究的高校系所之一,至今已有近70年的历史,在长期的办学过程中为国家培养了大批高素质人才。“桥梁与隧道工程”学科 1981、1986 年分别获硕士、博士学位授予权,1987 年被评为铁道部重点学科。2000 年获土木工程一级学科博士学位授予权,2001 年被评为国家重点学科。本系承担的主干课程《隧道工程》先后获批湖南省精品课程、国家精品课程、国家精品资源共享课程、国家线上线下混合式一流本科课程,《地下铁道》获批国家线上一流本科课程

3044am永利集团3044noc隧道工程系团队力量雄厚,科研能力强劲,现有教师20人,其中教授7人,博士生导师8人,副教授11人,讲师2人,教师中具有博士学位的19人,国家优秀青年科学基金项目获得者1人,全国优秀博士论文获得者 1 人,教育部新世纪优秀人才计划获得者 2 人,升华学者 2 人,3044am永利集团3044noc教学名师 1 人,3044am永利集团3044noc教学竞赛“三十佳”获得者4人次。近5年共主持和承担科研课题100余项,其中国家级科研项目16项,省、部级科研项目30多项,各级教改教研课题10余项,年均科研经费1000余万元;研究方向涉及城市隧道施工环境影响预测与控制、隧道与地下工程动力响应、复杂环境下隧道结构性能演化机制、隧道结构体系耐久性设计和极限状态设计理论、隧道施工技术、隧道通风与防灾技术等;发表科研学术论文300多篇,其中SCI、EI、ISTP三大检索收录论文近200篇,出版学术专著8部,教材2部;获授权国家专利10余项,计算机软件著作权5项,获得省部级以上科技奖励10余项。


The Tunnel Engineering Department ofCentral South University in China was one of the earliest departments of original Central South Civil Engineering and Construction Institute founded in 1953, which was one of the earliest departments of China institutes of high learning participating in the engineering plan and construction of railway, road tunnels and city subways, research on the repairing key technology and direct design. With a history of more than 60 years, it has cultivated a great number of high –quality talents for the country in the long running process. The bridge and tunnel construction discipline gained the right to grant master’s degree in 1981 and doctoral degree in 1986, and was selected as key discipline by Ministry of Railway. The level 1 discipline of civil engineering gained the right to grant doctoral degree in 2000 and was selected as national key discipline in 2001.The main course Tunnel Engineering in our department was selected as Top-quality Course of Hunan Province and National Top-quality Course.

The Tunnel Engineering Department of Central South University has an outstanding faculty and strong ability of science research who has a faculty of 19 teachers, 6 of them are professors, 7 doctoral supervisors, 6 associate professors and 5 lecturers, and16 in19 of them have doctoral degree, one obtaining Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, 2 the New Century Excellent Researcher Award Program from Ministry of Education of China. 2 Scholars of Sublimation and 1 master teacher ofCentralSouthUniversity. More than 100 science and research projects have been presided over and undertaken by the department in the recent 5 years, 16 of which are nationalscientific research projects , 30 provincial and ministry scientific research projects ,10 teaching and topics research reforms at all levels, the average yearly tech-research expense reaching more than RMB 10,000,000 Yuan. The researching fields include the prediction and control of city tunnel construction environmental impact, the dynamic response of tunnel and underground engineering, the evolution mechanism of tunnel structure performance in complicated environment, the design theory of tunnel structure durability and limit state, tunnel construction technology, tunnel ventilation and disaster prevention and so on. A total of more than 300 research papers have been published, about 200 of which are the papers included in the three searching SCI, EI, and ISTP, 8 academic monographs and 2 textbooks. 10 patents authorized by the state, 5 copyrights of computer software and more than 10 technology awards of provincial and ministry have been won.

The Passing Time Witnesses Glorious Flowers in Spring and Solid Fruits in Autumn and the Tunnel Engineering Department of Central South University has been adjusting during the development and expanding during the adjustment and has become a unique national key discipline, achieving fruitful teaching result by the spark generations of the teachers and the accumulation of their wisdom. Attached to the first class teaching platform and advanced laboratories of Central South University, our department will create a more splendid and brilliant future with the spirit of being realistic, creative, united and aggressive.